- info@noveltoyscollectible.com
KT-8008 – KING’S TOY 1/6 BFE+ German Anti-Terrorist Police Special Action Commando
Pre-orders will close on the 6th of July 2023
ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL – 4th Quarter of 2023*
*Please note that this is an estimate and not a guarantee
- Tops
- Pants
- Backpack
- Tactical Vest
- Rifle clip bag
- Pistol magazine bag
- Walkie talkie bag
- Submachine gun clip bag
- Face mask
- Earphone case
- Helmets
- Shoes
- Package 1
- Bag 2
- Package 3
- Bag 4
- Head sculpt
- Glove hand x 3
- Gas mask
- Goggles
- Headphones
- Intercom
- Pistol
- Pistol Magazine
- Pistol Holster
- M4 rifle
- M4 rifle magazine x 2
- M4 rifle laser box
- M4 scope
- Rifle
- Rifle handle
- Rifle magazine x 2
- Body
- Base/Bracket